Become a Sponsor today
12 Golfers to include: Green fees w/cart, awards reception luncheon, and gift bag.
Company Name/Logo Signage displayed Prominently at the Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon.
Special Recognition as pretonal items and at hayards Peerin unches and prizes at the awards luncheon.
8 Golfers to include: Green fees w /cart, awards reception luncheon, and gift bag.
Company Name/Logo Signage displayed Prominently at the Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon.
Special Recognition as presenting sponsor at the Awards Reception Luncheon.
Privilege to provide promotional items and company branded items in gift bags and prizes at the awards luncheon.
4 Golfers to include: Green fees w /cart, awards reception luncheon, and gift bag.
Company Name/Logo Signage displayed Prominently at the Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon.
Special Recognition as presenting sponsor at the Awards Reception Luncheon.
Privilege to provide promotional items and company branded items in gift bags and prizes at the awards luncheon.
Company Name/Logo Signage displayed Prominently at the Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon.
Special Recognition as presenting sponsor at the Awards Reception Luncheon.
Privilege to provide promotional items and company branded items in gift bags and prizes at the awards luncheon.
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Company Advertisement displayed on Beverage Cart throughout the Tournament Approval to provide promotional items and company branded items in gifts bage=s and prizes at Awards Luncheon
Lunch Sponsor $3,500.00
Sponsor a hole $125.00
Fill the Sponsorship Form
For additional information, email your request to
Make Check Payable to:
Brothers On Campus Inc.
210 Southbridge Parkway, Suite 650,
Birmingham, Al 53209
Or make your payment throug our webiste:
Dear Sponsor:
On Saturday June 7th, 2025, the Brothers on Campus Inc Bloomington / Normal chapter will host the 5th Annual The Eric (TAP) Tapley Memorial Charity Golf Tournament at THE DEN AT FOX CREEK ROAD Golf Course 3002 Fox Creek Road Bloomington, IL.
Proceeds from the tournament will be awarded as scholarships to students matriculating at Illinois State University (ISU).
The Brothers On Campus Inc. 501(c) (3), nonprofit organization dedicated to raising scholarship dollars for deserving students and making a difference in their lives.
The BrothersOn Campus is currently composed of over 300 active members throughout the US. We serve over 50 youths each year through various community projects.
From our tournaments we have been able to endow a scholarship at Illinois State University and are presently working on endowing a scholarship at Florida A&M University. We have currently given 4 scholarships to students at ISU.
We can give 2 students scholarships because of our annual golf tournament. Last event we had 100 golfers participating in the tournament and were able to sponsor two High school golf teams to play in the tournament.
We are honoring the memory of Eric (TAP) Tapley and all of our Brothers who have passed on. Eric Tapley who was a member of the Illinois State University Football Team 77-81, Brothers on Campus member, long time resident of the Bloomington/Normal community, active in numerous charitable/social causes, a beloved emergency room nurse at OSF Healthcare-St Joseph Medical Center and the founder of the annual Nothing’ but the Blues Festival in Bloomington/Normal.
With your help, we will be able to continue Eric’s legacy of giving back and raising scholarship money for deserving students at Illinois State University.
Very Respectfully,
Brothers On Campus Inc
Golf Tournament Committee Chairman
Robert Harrell
(703) 862-8823